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Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) Is the Leading Political Voice for Kids
SCAN wouldn’t exist without advocates. In 2023, you helped us send 1 million+ messages to lawmakers, organize events across the nation and host 272 lobby meetings. Together, we celebrated big wins for kids — like electing champions for children and securing millions of dollars in early learning and child nutrition investments.
There are endless ways to channel your passion for helping kids: write letters to the editor, participate in local events, fundraise or even meet with your member of Congress. Don’t worry — we’ll provide the tools and training you need to be a powerful champion for children.
Student Engagement
Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders — but they’re not waiting to drive change for children.
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Use your voice to educate peers, organize petitions and urge lawmakers to pass life-changing legislation.
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Check out the latest NEWS and stories
Now is NOT the time to leave kids behind. Tell Congress: Protect education funding and ensure students have the stability needed to succeed!
On this grim anniversary, 7.5 million children require lifesaving humanitarian aid. Please, tell Congress: Syria’s children deserve a second chance at childhood.