November 8, 2022
Save the Children Action Network New Mexico IE Committee dedicated resources, led multi-faceted reelection campaign effort in support of Governor November 8, 2022 – Save the Children Action Network, the leading political voice for children, released the following statement on the race for New Mexico Governor. “New Mexico voters made a wise decision in returning Michelle Lujan Grisham, a proven champion of children and families, to the governor’s office for four more years. With so much at stake in this election, it’s notable that the governor’s dedication to expanding early learning opportunities, combating hunger and putting the needs of children first, remained top of mind for voters across the state. As an organization, Save the Children Action Network takes pride in our formal endorsement of Governor Lujan Grisham and our statewide efforts to ensure that expanding affordable pre-k enrollment, child care, and home visiting programs remains a top priority in Santa Fe,” said Lacey Daniell-Miller, New Mexico state manager for Save the Children Action Network. Background Save the Children Action Network formally endorsed Governor Lujan Grisham for reelection on September 9. Save the Children Action Network New Mexico IE Committee, in addition to mobilizing voters and volunteers over the past two months, spent $550,000 on electoral activity. This resulted in more than 32,000 text messages, 16,500 direct calls, and targeted digital advertising that reached 750,000 voters encouraging support for Governor Lujan Grisham’s reelection bid throughout the state.