Protect and Expand Funding for Early Learning Programs
Investing in early childhood programs today will create a brighter tomorrow. That’s why we urge Washington State lawmakers to preserve and expand funding for these two programs:
- Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program (ECEAP)– ECEAP helps more children in our state participate in preschool and high-quality child care. This program takes a two-generational approach by providing high-quality care for children and critical support services for parents. We urge lawmakers to protect funding for this program and invest in rate increases and additional school-day slots.
- Working Connections Child Care subsidy: Washington currently ranks as the 11th least-affordable state for child care. Parents are their children’s first and best teachers but when it’s time to head to work, kids need a nurturing environment to learn and grow. We urge lawmakers to expand access for families to the Working Connections Child Care subsidy. We also urge support for improving reimbursement rates for child care providers and boosting wages of early educators.
- Tribal Early Learning Fund (TELF): We urge the legislature to renew the TELF that was approved in the last biennium to support culturally relevant care and education for young children in Washington’s tribal communities.
Our state’s children deserve the strongest start in life. Please protect and expand funding to early learning programs in Washington State.