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Take Action to End Child Hunger

Tell Congress: Support a strong Farm Bill for kids during lame duck negotiations so every child has a chance to thrive!

Demand Safety for Children in Haiti
Secure Brighter Futures for Kids 
Join the Fight Against Hunger

Please, tell Congress: Children in Haiti need our support and protection.

The U.S. runs essential programs that keep children healthy, happy and safe – here at home and around the world. And right now, Congress is negotiating their funding. Please, tell Congress to invest in programs that help kids thrive!

Every moment matters in the fight against hunger. Tell Congress: It’s time to build a better Farm Bill.

All Actions to Help Kids

Take Action to End Child Hunger

Tell Congress: Support a strong Farm Bill for kids during lame duck negotiations so every child has a chance to thrive!

Join the Fight Against Hunger

Every moment matters in the fight against hunger. Tell Congress: It’s time to build a better Farm Bill.

Take a Stand Against Malnutrition

Ahead of the upcoming U.N. General Assembly, we’re asking our leaders to commit to fighting global malnutrition. Tell Congress to take the pledge so every child, everywhere, has a chance to thrive.

Fight Hunger in the U.S.

To survive hunger, our nation’s children need stronger SNAP benefits. Tell Congress: It’s time to act!

Candidates: Put Kids First

Every child deserves the best start in life!

Help Feed Kids’ Futures

Tell Congress to Protect Food for Peace – and secure brighter futures for children.

Put a Stop to Funding Cuts

With less resources to tackle hunger, more kids will undoubtedly face starvation. Not to mention the millions of families who already rely on Food for Peace to survive. Please, tell Congress to protect this critical program… not undermine its impact.

Build A Better Farm Bill

153 million children are facing hunger around the world.

Help Kids Survive Hunger

148 million children under 5 don’t have enough to eat. Food for Peace can help their families survive and thrive – but its lifesaving programs are under threat. Tell Congress to protect Food For Peace!

Shawn Millsaps

Help Break the Silence on Child Hunger

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a lifeline, helping hungry families get by.


Get to know more about our work

We are Save The Children Action Network. We work to build bi-partisan support to make sure every child has a strong start in life in the U.S and globally.