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Engage Candidates

Will Candidates Raise their Hands for Kids?

2024 is a big election year. Candidates are running to serve in the White House, in Congress, in state houses and at the local level.

It’s vital that the critical needs of children are front and center.

How You Can Help

You can help by asking candidates to prioritize expanding early learning and addressing child hunger.

Find candidates

Start at the candidates’ websites. Sign up for the email updates. Look at their events page for upcoming appearances. Follow them on social media. As election day gets closer, local news outlets may also share updates about candidate appearances, debates, and forums.

Prepare your questions

Have your question ready to go. If you have a personal connection to the question, incorporate into your question. Try to practice a few times before you arrive. See some sample questions below.

Arrive early and be visible

Once you have found an opportunity to ask a candidate a question, be sure to arrive early. Find a spot near the front or in the aisle where the candidate will see you. Be sure to wear your Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) t-shirt to the event. A friendly smile can go a long way to engaging with the candidate.

Take a photo

After the event, ask the candidate if you can take a photo with them. Share this with your SCAN staff contact and post to your social media pages. Be sure to tag SCAN when you post at:

Facebook: @SavetheChildrenAction
Twitter: @SCActionNetwork
Instagram: @thefuturetomorrow

Follow up

Share your experience with your SCAN staff contact. If the candidate asked you a question you couldn’t answer at the time, reach out to your SCAN staff person to help find the answer. Then follow up with the candidate or his/her/their staff with the information.

Questions to Ask Candidates

Early Childhood Education

  • Head Start is a program that helps meet the educational, nutrition, and other needs of young children. This ensures they are ready to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. This effective program only serves 36% of eligible children due to a lack of investment by Congress. Appropriate for federal candidates only

  • Child care costs are an enormous strain on families. The lack of affordable child care is a key barrier to parents entering the workforce. Appropriate for both state and federal candidates

  • Early childhood educators are underpaid, and programs are struggling to survive. Appropriate for both state and federal candidates

  • The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps 42 million people experiencing food insecurity. Nearly half of those are children. SNAP improves kids’ long-term health, behavior and academic performance. Appropriate for both state and federal candidates

  • With millions of children in the U.S. still going hungry. Appropriate for both state and federal candidates 
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