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Save the Children Action Network Congratulates Governor Beshear for His Election Victory, Urges Focus on Children's Issues in Kentucky

November 7, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC (November 7, 2023) – Save the Children Action Network (SCAN), a leading political voice for kids, congratulates Governor Beshear on his election victory and encourages him to make children a priority during his administration. Throughout Kentucky’s gubernatorial campaign, SCAN elevated the importance of child care and child hunger solutions with voters.  SCAN reached more than 490,000 Kentucky voters through paid advertisements. SCAN advocates texted over 155,000 voters, sent nearly 2,400 handwritten postcards, and submitted 9 persuasive letters to the editors.     Now that the election is over, we urge Governor Beshear to focus on the following actions that will significantly improve the lives of families and children in Kentucky: 

  • Prioritize Child Hunger Prevention: 1 in 7 children faces hunger in Kentucky. This crisis hinders their ability to focus in school and leads to severe health issues. We implore Governor Beshear to prioritize child hunger prevention in his administration. 
  • Expand Access to Child Care: Quality child care is not just a vital support for working families; it’s also the foundation for early childhood development. Expanding access to affordable, high-quality child care will make a significant difference in the lives of Kentucky’s children. 
  • Expand Preschool Access: Every child deserves a strong start in life, beginning with early education. By expanding preschool access and other early learning initiatives, we can ensure that every Kentucky child has the opportunity to thrive.

“Governor Beshear, we congratulate you on your election victory and look forward to working with you to create a bright future for the children of Kentucky. By prioritizing child hunger prevention and expanding access to child care and preschool, your administration can make a huge positive impact in the lives of families and children across the state,” said Sara Hall, Save the Children Action Network’s Kentucky State Manager.  Through thoughtful leadership of the governor’s administration, we can make Kentucky a place where every child can grow, learn, and thrive. Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) urges Governor Beshear to be a strong voice for Kentucky’s children and to champion these critical issues.