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Save the Children Action Network Endorsed Candidates Trone Garriott, Jones, and Dunwell Earn Reelection

November 9, 2022

Iowa Voters Return Bipartisan Slate of Champions for Children to Des Moines

November 9, 2022 – Today, Save the Children Action Network, a leading political voice for children, applauds the reelection of Sarah Trone Garriott (D – Senate District 14), Megan Jones (R – House District 6) and Jon Dunwell (R – House District 38), proven champions for children in Iowa, to the legislature.

“Last night’s victory demonstrates the strength of Save the Children Action Network’s mobilization efforts across Iowa in support of Senator Sarah Trone Garriott and Representatives Megan Jones and Jon Dunwell. Iowa voters sent a clear message that expanding quality early childhood education choices for families and combating child hunger represent critical priorities deserving of continued progress when the legislature reconvenes in January. We look forward to working with Trone Garriott, Jones, and Dunwell to deliver results for Iowa families and children,” said Save the Children Action Network’s Iowa Manager E.J. Wallace.

Save the Children Action Network endorsed Sarah Trone Garriott (D – Senate District 14), Megan Jones (R – House District 6) and Jon Dunwell (R – House District 38) and activated a successful multi-faceted effort in support of the bipartisan slate of legislators, which included a digital ad spend of $25,000 and a strategic voter contact program including text banking and mobilizing volunteers to knock doors. SCAN volunteers published several letters to the editor to newspapers across Iowa, made over 5,000 phone calls, sent nearly 50,000 text messages and wrote almost 1,000 postcards in support of Sarah Trone Garriott (D – Senate District 14), Megan Jones (R – House District 6) and Jon Dunwell (R – House District 38).
