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Save the Children Action Network Endorsed Candidates David Watters, Denise Ricciardi, Sharon Carson and Becky Whitley for Reelection Declare Victory

November 10, 2022

November 10, 2022 – Today, Save the Children Action Network, a leading political voice for children, applauds the election of David Watters (NH Senate – District 4), Denise Ricciardi (NH Senate – District 9), Sharon Carson (NH Senate District 14) and Becky Whitley (NH Senate – District 15) dedicated champions for children in New Hampshire, to the State Senate.

“This week’s victory clearly shows the power of Save the Children Action Network’s mobilization efforts across New Hampshire in support of Watters, Ricciardi, Carson and Whitley. Granite Staters sent a clear message that combating child hunger and expanding early childhood education opportunities are imperative priorities that legislators should continue to work on when the legislature reconvenes next year. We look forward to working together to deliver results for New Hampshire families and children,” said Save the Children Action Network’s Senior Director for State and Electoral Campaigns, Lindsay Hanson.

Save the Children Action Network endorsed David Watters (NH Senate – District 4), Denise Ricciardi (NH Senate – District 9), Sharon Carson (NH Senate District 14) and Becky Whitley (NH Senate – District 15). SCAN activated a successful multi-faceted campaign in support of a bipartisan slate of candidates.