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Save the Children Action Network Celebrates Victory of Child Care Champions in Virginia’s General Election

November 8, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC (November 8, 2023) – Save the Children Action Network, a leading political voice for kids, applauds the general election victories of our endorsed candidates: Frank Ruff (VA Senate – District 9), Russet Perry (VA Senate – District 31), Stella Pekarsky (VA Senate – District 36), Terry Austin (VA Delegate – District 37), Carrie Coyner (VA Delegate – District 75), and Nadarius Clark (VA Delegate – District 84). These victories mark a significant win for kids and families across the Commonwealth. 

“This week’s election results clearly show the power of Save the Children Action Network’s voter turnout efforts across Virginia in support of Ruff, Perry, Pekarsky, Austin, Coyner, and Clark,” said Matthew Hatfield, SCAN’s Virginia State Manager. “SCAN and our advocates were committed to supporting these campaigns through investments of time, talent, and resources, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact they will have for children and families.”   

These victories were supported by Save the Children Action Network efforts, including: 

  • Speaking with more than 27,000 registered voters in targeted districts by phone. 
  • Texting more than 132,900 individuals about the importance of electing our child care champions.  
  • Running digital ads that reached more than 188,000 voters.  
  • Mobilizing SCAN staff and volunteers for on-the-ground outreach, knocking on over 1000 doors across the state.  

 SCAN is committed to building a strong bench of champions for early learning and child hunger prevention in the Virginia legislature. As we prepare to enter the general assembly session early next year, we call upon our elected leaders to help us build a bright future for children in Virginia.  


Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) was created in 2014 as the political advocacy arm of Save the Children to be the political voice for kids. We work to ensure that the issues critical to children’s lives and futures are given top priority by our elected leaders, building bipartisan support to make sure every child has a strong start in life.  

Learn more about SCAN here: https://savethechildrenactionnetwork.org/    Paid for by Save the Children Action Network.