November 8, 2022
SCAN Applauds Polis on Winning a Second Term November 8, 2022 – Today, Save the Children Action Network, a leading political voice for children, applauds the reelection of Governor Jared Polis, a proven champion for children in Colorado. “Save the Children Action Network applauds Governor Jared Polis on his victory tonight and earning of a second term to lead the state of Colorado,” said Christy Gleason, SCAN’s Executive Director. “We were proud to endorse Governor Polis for reelection this midterm cycle because he’s delivered on his promises to make Colorado a better place for young kids to learn, grow and thrive by enacting statewide free full-day kindergarten and universal preschool programs. SCAN looks forward to continuing our work with Governor Polis and the legislature to further invest in early childhood education and improve the lives of Colorado’s children.” During his time in office, Governor Polis created opportunities for Colorado’s children by expanding access to child care, securing free full-day kindergarten, and establishing voluntary, free preschool for all four-year-olds across the state.