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Save the Children Action Network Urges Newly Elected Leaders, Including Governor Ayotte, to Prioritize Early Learning Solutions

Media Contact: Rolf Rosenkranz (

CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE (January 27, 2025) – A majority of New Hampshire voters view the cost of child care as a serious issue on par with the cost of groceries, according to a new poll released today by Save the Children Action Network (SCAN). Nearly three-in-four say that the state should do more to help working families by improving their ability to find quality, affordable child care and pre-school.

Overwhelmingly, New Hampshire voters support sustained funding for child care programs, including Child Care Scholarships and the $15 million that has been dedicated to help attract and retain child care and preschool teachers. The findings send a clear message to state leaders, including newly elected Governor Kelly Ayotte, to take immediate action to ensure families have access to affordable, high-quality child care.

“As a state, we are facing a child care crisis that affects our children, families and economy,” said Megan Brabec, SCAN’s New Hampshire State Manager. “This poll confirms that Granite Staters recognize early learning as a cornerstone for a thriving future, benefiting families, the economy and the community. Governor Ayotte and our legislators must meet this demand and provide meaningful solutions for New Hampshire families and early educators.”

Child care in the Granite State is unaffordable for most working families. The average cost for a family with two children under age five is nearly $32,000 a year. That is nearly $2,700 a month – more than what most residents pay for housing or healthcare – leaving families with little in case of an emergency or to save for their future.

“I’ve witnessed firsthand the immense challenges families face in accessing affordable and reliable child care,” said Dr. Lisa Ranfos, Executive Director of the Child Study and Development Center at the University of New Hampshire. “I frequently receive calls from families desperate to find a quality program after experiencing substandard care elsewhere. Many families are left with no choice but to settle for whatever is available, often at great inconvenience to their daily lives. Our leaders have a unique opportunity to address this critical issue and make a significant impact on children, families, and child care providers across New Hampshire. By ensuring every family has access to high-quality child care, we can support parents in remaining productive members of the workforce and foster a brighter future for our children.”

The polling results come as Governor Ayotte begins her term and the legislature convenes for its 2025 session. Save the Children Action Network calls on state leaders to continue to improve access to quality, affordable early education by continuing funding for the Child Care Scholarship Program and Child Care Workforce Fund.

“Investing in child care is an investment in our state’s future,” said Brabec. “Together, we can ensure every child in New Hampshire gets the strong start they deserve.”

Notable Survey Results on Increasing Access to Affordable, High Quality Child Care

  • Over 80% of voters support sustained state funding for child care programs.
  • Bipartisan agreement: Majorities of Republicans (52%), Undeclared voters (72%), and
    Democrats (94%) agree on the need for more state action on affordable child care.
  • 82% of Granite State voters support continued funding of $15 million to help attract and
    retain child care and pre-school teachers so that more working families have child care.
  • 87% back the Child Care Scholarship Program so parents can work and provide for their
  • More than 60% of voters say they would view their legislator less favorably if they cut
    funding for child care.

Learn more about the poll results – click here.


The survey was conducted December 11-15, 2024, by New Bridge Strategy (R) and Hart Research (D). It includes 500 New Hampshire voters interviewed by telephone (both cell phones and landlines) and online via text-to-web. Interviews were distributed proportionally throughout the State. Quotas were set for key demographic sub-groups, such as gender and age. The margin of error is +4.38% for the overall sample. The margin of error will vary for sub-groups.

About Save the Children Action Network (SCAN):
Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) was created in 2014 as the political advocacy arm of Save the Children, to be the political voice for kids. We work to ensure that the issues critical to children’s lives and futures are given top priority by our elected leaders, building bipartisan support to make sure every child has a strong start in life. 

Learn more about SCAN here: https://savethechildrenactionnetwork.org

For press inquiries, please contact: Louisa Spofford (lspofford@savechildren.org), DC 20002 

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