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SNAP helps 42 million Americans put food on the table. While families struggle to afford soaring grocery prices, Congress is breaking its promise to update SNAP. Struggling families are desperate for another increase to keep up with rising costs.
Prior to 2021, SNAP benefits hadn’t been updated in DECADES. The last increase was just $1.40, and it STILL lifted 1 million children out of poverty.
SNAP is a lifeline for milions of families
SNAP cuts would devastate families, especially those already struggling with the rising costs of food, housing and healthcare.
SNAP Benefits are already inadequate for families
Voters overwhelmingly support adjusting SNAP benefits not just for inflation, but also to reflect the true cost of healthy food.
Shawn Millsaps
Cutting SNAP Hurts Kids, Families and the Economy
Expanding SNAP access and benefits is one of the most effective ways to reduce child hunger, improve health outcome and boost economic stability.
87% of voters say a candidate who supports increasing SNAP benefits is seen as someone who “supports working families”.
67% of voters say they would be more favorable toward a candidate who supports increasing SNAP – including majorities in swing states.
Protecting and expanding SNAP has strong bipartisan appeal, with majorities of Democrats (80%), Independents (70%), and Republican (52%) in favor of increasing benefits.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps 42 million Americans put food on the table.
If Congress cuts SNAP benefits, families WILL suffer – they’re barely surviving on the $6.20 per person they currently receive.
SCAN commissioned a bipartisan poll to see how they feel about strengthening SNAP – learn more below & use our LTE templates to contact your local papers
“I advocate for SCAN because I’ve seen so many people suffer under unjust laws. If this country wants to make sure everyone has food, change needs to happen.” – Tyler, dad and SNAP recipient from Iowa