SCAN National Survey Finds Voters Want Action to Address Child Care & Food Insecurity

July 15, 2024


Media Contact: Chris Maloney (

Milwaukee, Wisc. (July 15, 2024)National survey results released today by Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) provide insights into how financial security remains top of mind of millions of Americans, leading to strong, bipartisan support for robust investments in child care and food security, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The data, which is set to be formally unveiled at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, shows that the challenges families face paying for food and child care are so significant that they bridge partisan divides. 

The launch event in Milwaukee, hosted by Axios and presented by SCAN and Save the Children,  will be livestreamed starting at 3:00 p.m. CDT.

“Even in a period of intense polarization, this data clearly indicates that Americans from all parties and walks of life want lawmakers to prioritize policies that help families afford nutritious food and high-quality child care. This also reflects what Save the Children Action Network is hearing from our advocates and volunteers in communities across the country every day. Our presence at both major national conventions further underscores our commitment to working with federal and state lawmakers to increase access to child care and early education, strengthen SNAP benefits, and combat child hunger,” said Christy Gleason, Executive Director of SCAN

“Americans understand that stronger investments in child care, early education and food affordability will strengthen the economy and future of our nation. That’s why Save the Children Action Network is committed to working alongside Republican and Democratic policymakers to address the concerns of working families and voters and ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive and reach their potential,” said SCAN founder Mark Shriver, a featured speaker at today’s Axios event.

Notable Survey Results on Increasing Access to Affordable, High Quality Child Care:

  • A solid majority of voters (60%) – including undecided voters – say federal funding for child care and early childhood education should be increased.  
  • Voters believe additional federal funding would increase the affordability and quality of child care and early education would help working families: 
  • 91% nationally (93% in swing states) say it would give families the freedom to make choices that best meet their needs 
  • 89% nationally (88% in swing states) say it would help working families manage the higher cost of living
  • 84% nationally (85% in swing states) say it would help parents secure their children’s future 
  • Voters want candidates for office to support increased funding for child care and early childhood education: 
  • 90% of voters say a candidate doing so would strongly signal to them the candidate supports working families and understands working families’ financial struggles 

Notable Survey Results on Policies to Combat Food Insecurity:

  • Voters recognize the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as being vital: 
  • 85% of voters say SNAP is important, including 63% saying it is very important in helping families who are facing food insecurity  
  • Two thirds of voters – including three in four undecided voters – say SNAP benefits are inadequate 
  • 90% national (89% in swing states) say increasing SNAP benefits would help working families manage the higher cost of living 
  • 86% nationally and in swing states say it would give families the freedom to make choices that best meet their needs 
  • 74% nationally and in swing states say it would help parents secure their children’s future
  • Majorities of key voter segments would feel more favorable toward candidates who support increased funding for SNAP, including:
  • 73% of swing state voters
  • 74% of voters are undecided on their presidential candidate choice
  • 81% of parents
  • 54% of rural voters 

Full survey results can be viewed by clicking here. 


The national survey was fielded June 1-4, 2024 by New Bridge Strategy (R) and Hart Research (D). It includes 1,705 voters nationally interviewed online with oversamples of a total of 719 voters in a group of swing states (AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA and WI) in addition to 639 voters who are parents to children under age 18. The credibility intervals are: +2.2% for voters nationally, +3.4 for swing state voters and +3.6 for parents. 


Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) was created in 2014 as the political advocacy arm of Save the Children, to be the political voice for kids. We work to ensure that the issues critical to children’s lives and futures are given top priority by our elected leaders, building bipartisan support to make sure every child has a strong start in life.

Learn more about SCAN here: